Scenario Design | Q: Will you change the scenario of the Competition every year? | A: We would like to encourage participants to apply theories learnt while designing and building their robots as well as developing strategies to complete the missions. Therefore, the scenario may change every year to vary the mission types and game field settings. |
Fee |
Q: Do we need to pay any fee for joining the Competition? |
A: Yes. Registration fee for each team is HK$500 and robot material fee for each team is HK$5,000. |
Robot Materials |
Q: Is it necessary to purchase the robot materials from the organizer? |
A: To ensure the fairness of competition, each school team must use the robot materials as assigned by the organizer. However, we understand that some school teams have participated in the Competition and they already have at least 1 set of materials. Hence, except the first-time participating teams, purchasing robot material kit sets from organizer will be optional. If teams did not use the assigned robot materials, the organizer will reserve the right to disqualify the team from the Competition. |
Number of Participants |
Q: How many participants should school team consist of the Competition? |
A: Each team consists of 4-5 students. |
Combinations of Students - team members of School Teams |
Q: Is there any requirement for forming the School Team? |
A: Each school team can apply for one category of the Competition with 5 students in maximum. At least 2 participants should have different backgrounds from others in the team. they can be: (a) Different gender (b) Different grade (c) Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) (d) Ethnic minorities students (e) Underprivileged students |
Joining Competitions of both categories |
Q: Can school teams join both categories with single robot? |
A: To encourage the creativity and fairness for school teams, schools which participate in both categories have to build 2 different robots by different students to join the competitions respectively. (i.e. Using same robot built by single student team to join competitions of both categories is NOT ALLOWED.) |
Support for School Teams | Q: Do we qualify for participating in the Competition if we have not participated in any robot competitions before? | A: The Competition welcomes school teams from any kind of background. We will arrange different activities helping the school teams to have better understanding to their robot material kit set as well as writing suitable code to resolve the problem. Besides, we will provide online tutorials for teachers and students in participating teams. The contents are designed for everyone, even those with no relevant experience/knowledge. We expect participants could gain the basic robotics knowledge and be able to assemble robots through the Competition. |
Certificates |
Q: Will participants receive any certificates? |
A: Every student participant will receive a certificate for participation. Students in the winning teams also receive the certificate. |